A new demo of the V9990 Powergraph video graphic card by HAL6128
-The V9990 Powergraph video card for MSX (cartridge) can be used on an Amstrad CPC with an AMSDAP card (MX4 ports and two MSX cartridge ports but only those using IO of the Z80, not those using memory functions, so you can use for example a V9990 and a sound cartridge).
Everybody knows the robot demo moving in a forest, well now thanks to HAL6128 you have something else to chew. You can download the DSK and see for yourself the result in this video by Poulette73 (see below).
HAL6128 bought a V9990 a moment ago but didn't use it, till recently to learn using it. He downloaded a non playable demo of a fighting game using the V9990 for MSX and adapted it for Amstrad CPC. It looks like a mode 1 screen but with 16 colors instead.
Youtube video