Fire Tyre v2 by CNGSoft, a racing game taking 5th place at the CPCRetroDev 2020
-CNGSoft has written for the CPCRetroDev 2020 the game Fire Tyre which a second version has been released the 17th November 2020.
It's a car running game written in only a week which of course uses CNGSoft's CHIPNSFX utility for the music and sound effects. You must finish the 4 tracks in a limited time, 6 laps for each track (clock wise and anti-clockwise). For each lap done you will get more time. The car has two manual gears : low and high. Low gear can only move the car up to 100 miles per hour, high gear up to 180. If a car hits you from behind (impossible to see) then you will loose some speed so watch your gear !
I played the game with CPCEC which is of course the Amstrad CPC(+) emulator by CNGSoft. First I was using the joystick to accelerate and braking (up and down) and the button to change gear but it was hard to play. The game is much easier if you use a button to accelerate and the second button to change gear, braking was configured to the down direction of the joystick but never used. I think that the game would be easier and more enjoyable with no gear changing needed.
The graphics are simple but nice, the musics (introduction and during play) are from C64 games and nice to listen. The big gameplay problem to me is loosing speed after being hit from behind which you cant avoid, and if you forget to change gear it hurts !
Youtube video