Race Against Time (the) par Philip OLIVER, Andrew OLIVER, Stuart RUECROFT, David WHITTAKER edité by Codemasters Sofware sur Amstrad CPC (1988)

également connu comme The Race Against Time For Sport Aid'88

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Informations relatives :

Auteur : Philip OLIVER, Andrew OLIVER, Stuart RUECROFT, David WHITTAKER

Editeur : Codemasters Sofware

Distributeur : Serma Software

Année : 1988

Type : Sports

Plus d'informations à propos de Race Against Time (the) sur Spectrum Computing

Plus d'informations à propos de Race Against Time (the) sur Wikipedia

Vidéos de Race Against Time (the) sur Youtube

Vidéos de Race Against Time (the) sur Dailymotion

screenshot of the Amstrad CPC game Race Against Time (the) by GameBase CPC

screenshot of the Amstrad CPC game Race Against Time (the) by GameBase CPC

screenshot of the Amstrad CPC game Race Against Time (the) by GameBase CPC