CAPRICE32 PSP, an Amstrad CPC emulator Sony PSP
-After CPCPSP (not any more supported), a new port of Caprice32 for the PSP : CAPRICE32 PSP. But for PSP you already have the port from ZX81 : PSPCAP 32.
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After CPCPSP (not any more supported), a new port of Caprice32 for the PSP : CAPRICE32 PSP. But for PSP you already have the port from ZX81 : PSPCAP 32.
Blassic is a basic language interpreter for windows, linux and Yopy PDA. It can interpret Amstrad CPC basic, I didnt try it though.
CPCE v1.85 fixes a serious bug in the Symbiface 2 IDE (reported by Jarek Adamski), allows disabling the tape speedup if CPCE does it wrong (for example with "Balloonacy") and the Win32 version is a bit smarter now to handle ZIP archives.
A new version of the Amstrad CPC emulator CrocoDS for the Nintendo DS is out.
Kevin Thacker has made a conversion of Balloonacy, a C64 game. The complet game will be sold by Cronosoft . You can donwload a démo of the game for tape and disk.
A new version of the Amstrad CPC emulator AmeDS for the Nintendo DS is available.
FutureOS documentation (new OS for the Amstrad CPC) is available now in german AND english on the web site.
You can download the invitation for the Castellum meeting 2. The meeting already took place.
Symbos v2.0 is out :
Read allnews here, and PCW/Joyce screenshots here.
Rupert Murdoch owner of the U.K. media group BskyB has launched an amical OPA on Amstrad for 185 millions €, it will permit to BskyB to lower its costs, as it was buying satellit numerical video decoders from Amstrad. Alan Michael Sugar will stil be the manager at Amstrad, and will still keep 28% Amstrad actions d'Amstrad after selling a part of his actions for 34,5 millions of pounds. Alan Michael Sugar is now 60 years old.