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Cover Editor & author ISBN Description
cover of the book Programmation du Z80 by Rodnay Zaks
cover of the book Programming the Z80 par Rodnay Zaks

Rodnay Zaks

A must for learning Z80 assembler by Rodnay Zaks.
cover of the book Trois étapes vers l'intelligence artificelle Editions du P.S.I. 2-86595-278-9 A book about artifical intelligence with examples in basic. Chapters are :

1) Programs which search and lean (what is Taquin in english ?)
2) a powerful idea : retroaction
3) The strange Ashby machine and others
4) structures, memory, information
5) Games in trees
6) stones and mens
7) draughts/checkers and awele
8) systems experts
9) another systems experts
cover of the book RSX et routiens assembleur sur Amstrad CPC Editions du P.S.I.
2-86595-352-1 Assembler RSX and sub-programs on Amstrad CPC
cover of the book Trucs et astuces pour le CPC 464 Micro Application

2-86899-005-3 Tricks and hints for the CPC 464
cover of the book la bible du programmeur CPC Micro Application

Bruckmann, Lothar, English, Gerits
2-86899-011-8 The bible of the Amstrad CPC programmer
cover of the book Communiquer avec votre Amstrad CPC 464 664 6128 Soracom editions

Denis Bonomo & Eddy Dutertre
2-904032-37-1 Communicate with your Amstrad CPC 464-664-6128
(all to communicate on radio waves with the CPC)

cover of the book Ces ordinateurs sont dangereux Qwerty

Fran�ois Quentin
2-910223-00-0 These computers are dangerous

a french book with the history of the Amstrad CPC, a good reading, soon available as download here. Don't hesitate to go to the following link to learn more of the author last book : loto meurtrier.