The Amstrad CPC meeting Croco Chanel n�4 has its own web site now. It will take place fmr 4th to 7th May 2007 will at Laigneville (60 km of Paris). Follow the link for more informations (english too).
Renegade trilogie is a french web site dedicated to the 3 Renegade games, not only the Amstrad CPC versions, where you will be able to find many things.
I would like to thank people who continue to send me news to post on this web site, even if I didnt write a lot these past weeks. Contrary to some bears, I should end my hibernation in the following days.
Amspaint v1.0 is a new painting program for Amstrad CPC 6128(+) in mode 0, using joystick. This vesison has already some features which are best found by trying this program which is available with some examples pictures on the given link.
Podcasts, RSS and wikis are the way to go, Amstrad CPC couldnt avoid this, so it's time to announce (lately) the Amstrad CPC Wiki. Read it, add informations following your inspiration, may the muse raise your spirit.
The Amstrad CPC meeting Croco Chanel n�4 will take place in May 2007 at Laigneville (60 km of Paris). More informations given on the Amstrad CPC wiki
CPCTapeXP v1.0 is a windows utility to transfer Amstrad CPC tape on a PC to the .CDT format.
The Amstrad CPC meeting Castellum Secretum will take place soon from the 27th to the 29th October 2006 in France, more informations given on the linked web site (french).
Please follow this link to read the archives of the past months