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CPCRetroDev Game Creation Contest 2015


You can program an Amstrad CPC game and want to become riche at the same time ? Then submit your creation to the third edition of the CPCRetroDev Game Creation Contest, as each award will win some real money.

Beware, the target is an Amstrad CPC 464, so all entries will be included in a physical edition with an audio tape, not a 3 inch disk.

The deadline is the 23th october 2015.

Development for CPC on PC : CPCTelera by Ronaldo and RGAS by Lachlank


CPCTelera is a multi platform (Windows with Cygwin, OS X and Linux) development framework for creating Amstrad CPC games in C and also assembly programmers. For all features check CPCWiki, for short :

Low-level programming API fonctionnalities
  • A low-level library with support for: graphics, audio, keyboard, firmware, strings, video hardware manipulation and memory management
  • An API for developing games and software in C and Assembler
  • A complete multi-platform building system with support for building CDTs and DSKs automatically. Tools for content authoring (audio, graphics and level editing)

Project creation, management and integrated build system with tools (SDCC compilator...)

autoring tools and command line tools for format conversions (Arkos Tracker, RGAS...)

Retro Game Asset Studio (RGAS) by Lachlank is the next evolution of Amsprite (now defunct). Using .NET, you can create graphics, sound/music levels for Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64.

Youtube video

CP/M source code (v1.1, v1.3, v1.4 and v2.0) is avalaible at the Computer History Museum


The Computer History Museum let you download 4 versions of CP/M for a non commercial use : v1.1 (1975), v1.3 (1976), v1.4 (1978) and v2.0 (1979), but it was v2.2 which was available for Amstrad CPC.

Gary Kildall, the creator of CP/M is sadly not anymore with us since 1994.

SDCC v3.3.0 (C programming for Amstrad CPC) and new tutorials (english and french)


A new release candidate of the ANSI-C compiler SDCC v3.3.0 is available for download. Many Z80 optimisation included in this new version.

You will find on CPCMANIA new SDCC tutorials (english) and on le site de Steph (french).

Crazy Cars CPC, a remake programmed in basic with QB64 by F.L. (Barbarian 1987)


After creating a Barbarian remake for its 25th anniversary, F.L. just programmed in only 1 month and 1000 lines code Crazy Cars CPC : a faithful remake though with some differences : shorter levers for example. The game is open source so you can make it better if you want.

F.L. did program it with in basic (QB64), which is a windows compiler. You can get out your gwbasic or quick basic programs and still run them with QB64, or use the new features bringed by QB64 (like networking).

screen of the Crazy Cars amstrad cpc game

Small Device C Compiler v3.2.0 is available, program in C for Amstrad CPC


The final version of the multi platform C compilator SDCC v3.2.0 is avalaible.

It brings better Z80 code generation, if you already use SDCC, you should update your version.

All the listings of Hebdogiciel within easy reach


The french newspaper Hebdogiciel published many computers listings, for all computers of the 80 era in this weekly newspaper by Shift Editions.

It was available between 1983 and 1987, and survived only with its sales, disallowing ads to stay independent.

Today, all its listing are available on Hebdogiciel.

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