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Turbo Pascal programmation on Amstrad CPC by Nemo 59 : a hardware sprite editor, and more


Nemo 59 is programming in Turbo Pascal on Amstrad CPC a software : a hardware sprite editor for Amstrad CPC+, and much more. I invite you to go see his youtube videos and read his posts on CPCRulez.

He also wrote a pascal framework (TP-tools v0.2 with its documentation), the objective is to have a v1.0 with more pascal units, for Amstrad CPC and CPC+. TP-Tools v0.2 is actually organized in 4 units :

  • : graphics management
  • : sound management
  • keyboard and joystick management
  • : ASIC CPC+ management

Other pascal units will be added in the future v1.0 (UCrt, USprite, ...).

Youtube video

New version of the CPC assembler Orgams 'Ecstatic Endeavour' Release Candidate


Orgams is an assembler in ROM for Amstrad CPC, created by Madram, Drill and Hicks. A new version is available.

The documentation in french and english is available on Dorgams' wiki.

Download the last WIP version (5th January 2021)

A bug with the REM command on Amstrad CPC 464 (basic 1.0)


The bug was found by Velus on CPCRulez. In a basic program, type the following ligne : 10 rem |era,"toto.txt" (on a french 464 the | is replace by ù). Next RUN the program or edit the ligne (EDIT 10) and validate with return. Last look at the progam with the LIST command, the character after the | (or ù) has been removed.

SDCC v4.0.0 (C programming for Amstrad CPC) on PC and MacOS


A new version of the ANSI-C compiler SDCC v4.0.0 is available since the 30th January 2020 for windows, linux and MacOS.

8BP v039, a RSX library to create Amstrad CPC games in Basic


Jose Javier Garcia Aranda has released a new version of 8BP v39 (8bits de poder : 8bits of power), a RSX library to write Amstrad CPC games in basic (26 Kb max). You can download 8bp on github.

A new game comes with this new version : Blaster Pilot, an arcade game inspired in part by Time Pilot (Konami).

8BP v038, a RSX library to create Amstrad CPC games in Basic


Jose Javier Garcia Aranda has released a new version of 8BP v38 (8bits de poder : 8bits of power), a RSX library to write Amstrad CPC games in basic (26 Kb max). You can download 8bp on github.

One thing about this version is the game Happy Monty (11th at CPCRetroDev 2019), you should read this article about how the game is done (spanish).

SDCC v3.9.0 (C programming for Amstrad CPC) on PC and MacOS


A new version of the ANSI-C compiler SDCC v3.9.0 is available since the 15th April 2019 for windows, linux and MacOS.

Vasm v1.8g, a portable and retargetable assembler, can compile Z80 assembler, but not only


Vasm v1.8g is a compilator for several platforms :

  • Unix
  • AmigaOS 68020
  • Atari MiNT 68020
  • MorphOS
  • AmigaOS4
  • PowerUp
  • Atari TOS 68000
  • WarpOS
  • Windows

And of course, it can compile Z80 assembler, but it's not the only processor it can manage.

Collapse OS, a new future OS for Amstrad CPC ?


Collapse OS is a z80 kernel and a collection of programs, tools and documentation that allows you to assemble an OS that can (available on Github) :

  • Run on minimal and improvised machines
  • Interface through improvised means (serial, keyboard, display)
  • Edit text files
  • Compile assembler source files for a wide range of MCUs and CPUs
  • Read and write from a wide range of storage devices
  • Replicate itself

Additionally, the goal of this project is to be as self-contained as possible. With a copy of this project, a capable and creative person should be able to manage to build and install Collapse OS without external resources (i.e. internet) on a machine of her design, built from scavenged parts with low-tech tools.

His author has been contacted, he seems interesting in porting it on Amstrad CPC. It already works on RC2014 and the Sega Mega Drive.

For more news, Go to home page