Archives of Genesis8 Amstrad Page from 1999 to 2025 about emulator, page 5 / 19
nc100em v1.3, an Amstrad Notepad NC100, NC150 and NC200 emulator by Russell Marks
The original Amstrad notepad NC100 emulator was written by Russell Marks. He just released a new version : v1.3 whose main features are :
new SDL2-based version
NC150 support
NC200 floppy disk support (using John Elliott's lib765)
everyone being 21 years older than the last time he did a release
You can of course use the native ROM of a notepad or use ZCN also by Russell Marks at v1.3 (with a fix if you use the format command). It should also be possible to use CP/Mish by David Given thanks to the NC200 floppy drive emulation.
Longshot has released version 1.2 of the Amstrad CPC CRTC Compendium (July 2022) which is a documentation about the CRTC 6845 (and some others circuits). Note that the CRTC is a generic component used in several computers including the IBM PC.
This version has 226 pages, whereas v1.1 has only 173.
Amspirit v0.677b, an Amstrad CPC emulator by Dmanu78
A new version of Amspirit, an Amstrad CPC emulator by Dmanu78 is available on the System.CFG forum for windows. There is a 32 and 64bit version. Reading all the thread is a good idea if you didnt read it already as it's a complete genesis of this emulator.
Virtual keyboard : adjustable (position, size, transparency), persistent (saves position, size, transparency automatically, separately for portrait and landscape on Android and iOS), visual and acoustic (switchable) feedback
Virtual joystick in two different sizes
Virtual mouse (selectable instead of joystick): AMX, Reisware/Gerdes or Symbiface II (PS/2)
Original sounds of disk drive, cassette relay and keyboard (can be switched on and off)
Zoom function (display without border), alternating with and without full screen; persistent (separately for portrait and landscape on Android and iOS)
Audio emulation deeply revised; output quality significantly improved (you can select from 4 output frequencies)
Vortex memory extension SP64-SP512
Jarek memory extension 576-4096 Kb
Bank-switching speed dramatically improved; correct emulation of C3 mode
IPv6-enabled web server similar to M4 board (upload and download into/from the emulator via web interface)
Autostart behaviour improved (automatic file selection and deactivation)
Minimal audio latency on Android (Oboe)
User interface improved on Android/iOS
Setup settings are saved immediately
First preparations for new user interface
Adjusted to SDL version 2.0.22 (which needs to be installed manually on Linux)
Fixed bugs: background-foreground-changing behaviour on Android, real-time speed, video output speed (in particular on Android, iOS and MacOS, I think also on the Raspberry Pi), memory leaks, M4 sockets, file access on Android and iOS
CPCEC version of 15th June 2022 by CNGSoft
The last version of the Amstrad CPC emulator CPCEC by César Nicolas Gonzalez, was released the 15th June 2022.
Amspirit, a new Amstrad CPC emulator by Dmanu78, an interesting genesis
I saw this new windows emulator on theSystem.CFG months ago but I forgot to write about it... Dmanu78 did document all the genesis of his emulator, a very interesting reading in french that I invite you to read.
On the Darknior's github there is also an interesting Barbarian for OpenBor WIP project.
CPCemu v2.4, an Amstrad CPC emulator by Rainer Loritz is available
Rainer has released CPCemu v2.4. It's available for MacOS, Android, iOS, Linux (x86_64 and ARM, in particular on Raspberry Pi) and Windows.
New version features :
Original (virtual) CPC keyboard in 4 different languages. Click/touch near the bottom border to get it
Loading firmware ROMs (0 and 255) from the running emulator (setup menu)
Upgrade to the latest SDL version (2.0.18). If you don't get the virtual keyboard, the on-screen joystick and the graphical main menu on Linux (Intel and ARM/Raspberry) I recommend upgrading your installed SDL version
Correction of many errors (M4 file names, M4 sockets, sound output, restart of emulation, error tolerance, screen layout, Z80 R register)
Amstrad CPC CRTC Compendium v1.1 by Longhsot, and a new version of Amazing Demo
Longshot has released a new version of Amazing Demo and the Amstrad CPC CRTC Compendium which is a documentation about the CRTC 6845 (and some others circuits). Note that the CRTC is a generic component used in several computers including the IBM PC.
He made this demo compatible with all CRTC. The choice of Amazing Demo isnt harmless. A benchmark program : SHAKER (V1.8) comes with the compendium and shows several things stated in the document. Dont hesitate if you have a idea to add something in this document. A english version is being translated at the moment.
The 21th version of the Amstrad CPC emulator CPCEC by César Nicolas Gonzalez, was released the 17th December 2021.
Caprice Forever v2021-11, an Amstrad CPC emulator by Frédéric Coste for Windows
Caprice Forever v2021-11 by Frédéric Coste is a modified version of the Caprice emulator (by Ulrich Doewich) for windows (32/64 bit).
dMagnetic v0.32, a Magnetic Scrolls emulator by Dettus for various BSD and Linux distributions
dMagnetic v0.32 by Dettus is available for several versions of Unix (BSD, Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo) with ANSI drawing in a terminal. This utility lets you play adventure games by Magnetic Scrolls. The version 0.31 added Apple 2 support (.NIB and .2MG), v0.32 adds Apple 2 .WOZ support and clode cleanup.
The emulator is using the original files of the games for Amstrad CPC, C64, msdos, windows (1991 compilation), .MAG et .GFX files on the magnetic scrolls memorial.
ACE v1.24, an Amstrad CPC(+) emulator for MorphOS/Haiku by Philippe Rimauro (and new plugins)
ACE v1.24 is available. Since v1.22, this emulator can use plugins which emulates :