Archives of Genesis8 Amstrad Page from 1999 to 2025 about emulator, page 1 / 19

LocoBasic by Marco Vieth, a Locomotive Basic light and quick


After CPCBasic unchained and CPCBasicTS unchained, Marco Vieth (author of the first Amstrad CPC emulator CPCEmu) is releasing LocoBasic.

LocoBasic is a streamlined adaptation of Locomotive BASIC, designed primarily for calculations. It is lightweight and can run either in a browser or on the command line using Node.js. It has NO GOTO but supports a subroutine style with GOSUB. Line numbers are optional and only needed to start a subroutine or a DATA line for RESTORE.

You can try LocoBasic here.

New version of the Amstrad CPC(+) emulator ACE-DL (01/22) by Roudoudou


New version by Roudoudou of his ACE-DL Amstrad CPC emulator (01/22/2025) :

  • upgraded iMPdraw rom pack to sept 2024
  • new options for EDSK autosave and versioning
  • ability to save Tiles/Sprites in graphic explorer
  • ability to load RASM symbols chunk in Cartridge (get new Rasm!)
  • ability to toggle all execution breakPoints from Trace with key 'T'
  • execution breakPoints in watcher mode are now green in Trace

New version of the Amstrad CPC(+) emulator ACE-DL (24/12) by Roudoudou


New version by Roudoudou of his ACE-DL Amstrad CPC emulator (12/24/2024) :

  • spanish translations for the GUI (see flags with F12)
  • ability to use (L)abels to jump in memory from Graphics Explorer
  • augmenter ou diminuer le son avec les touches +/- du clavier numérique

CP/M Box v1.10.0 by Habi Soft, an Amstrad PCW emulator


CP/M Box by Habi Soft, an Amstrad PCW emulator, is available in version 1.10.0 : corrections and ameliorations, dark theme, speed controk, predefined sizes, EMR MIDI, reconfigurable keyboard.

New version of the Amstrad CPC emulator CPCEC (24th December 2024) by CNGSoft


The last version of the Amstrad CPC emulator CPCEC by César Nicolas Gonzalez, was released yesterday on the 24th December 2024.

New version of ACE-DL (14/12) by Roudoudou


New versions by Roudoudou of his ACE-DL Amstrad CPC emulator (12/14/2024) :

  • added new traductions
  • added FullScreen mode for Linux/Windows users (F11 key or Apple-F)
  • upgrade width/height limit to 512 in Graphics Explorer
  • added Amsdos header option for Memory import in configuration saves
  • now you can resize Graphics Explorer window + size saved in configuration
  • display an error message when a file is not supported (instead of simply discarding it)
  • bugfix step over in trace with HALT, LDIR, CPIR and other 'looped' instructions
  • bugfix number of selected Upper Rom, displayed in Gate Array window
  • bugfix number of selected bytes after a successful search
  • bugfix recovery of explorers coordinates after close/reopening

New version v2.03 of the Amstrad CPC emulator Sugarbox (November 2024) by Lone


Sugarbox v2.03, the Amstrad CPC(+) emulator by Lone is available.

  • Feature/tape counter edit (#37)
  • Feature/script engine (#38)
  • Script : drag'n'drop and handling
  • Add CSL loading menu + command line
  • update CPCCore
  • Command line handling. Loading settings / media is optimized (no more multiple loading)
  • Open debugger if flag is set in command line. Also, don't start running the emulation if so
  • Debug window is no longer a child window
  • Add memory windows for debug
  • Add CRTC debug dialog
  • Fix memory windows + installer with qt
  • Handle keyboard + tab key
  • Fix Qt drag'n' drop that can throw exception in debug
  • Fix unit test crashing on linux
  • Set to latest CPCCore dev branch
  • Update build for ubuntu (24.04)
  • Update keyboard layout. remove grabing keyboard for main display window
  • Handle deadkey for windows

New version of ACE-DL (11/18) by Roudoudou


New versions by Roudoudou of his ACE-DL Amstrad CPC emulator (11/18/2024) :

  • new extra Timer to increase ACE refresh accuracy
  • added Atari SC1224 monitor emulation
  • Added configuration SAVE/LOAD in configuration main menu
  • Added configuration select from command line
  • Left-clic on Reset must not reinitialise extended memory
  • Command line option to select another Audio driver (AceDL -h for help)
  • all GUI almost translated in French (optional)
  • bugfix plastic cover size with CTM filters
  • bugfix ACE breakpoints + evolutions

UniDOS v1.51 by Offset for Amstrad CPC (September 2024)


These last years several expansions allows you to use mass storage (USB or sd...) on Amstrad CPC, each needing a ROM to use it correctly.

And if you use two of these expansions, you will need to load two ROMs, so less RAM for your Amstrad CPC.

So Offset did write UniDOS and drivers to be able to use another expansion, needing only one ROM with features being the same whatever the expansion. Unidos can manage actually :

Offset also wrote UniDOS Cartridge Creator (v1.4) which is an utility to create Amstrad Plus cartridges equipped with a patched firmware which allows to add UniDOS and its DOS nodes. You can furthermore configure up to 30 additional tool ROMs (such as Utopia, Maxam, Protext..) in the cartridges (compatible with ParaDOS and Burnin' Rubber) without requiring a real ROM board. The tool also let you automatically download the latest UniDOS ROMs from the official web site.

Unidos v1.51 is a minor release released in September 2024, which is only fixing the|COPY RSX so that it also works properly with weird binary headers generated by some PC tools.

New versions of RASM 2.2.9 and ACE-DL (10/26) by Roudoudou


New versions by Roudoudou of his RASM Z80 assembler v2.2.9 and of his ACE-DL Amstrad CPC emulator (10/26/2024) :

  • Dandanator goes to Basic mode without cartridge to avoid side effects
  • new button in Machine configuration to reinit the entire machine (no plugin, no rom, no breakpoints)
  • import of natives ACE breakpoints from RASM symbol file
  • may click Timer in Trace to reset nop counter
  • may press F7,F8,F10 when trace mode but focused on another window
  • added HOME/END and Shift+HOME/END in memory explorer to navigate in memory and selection
  • more persistence for CRTC register value change
  • update also RASM to benefit direct import of native ACE breakpoints

Caprice Forever v2024-10, an Amstrad CPC emulator by Frédéric Coste for Windows


Caprice Forever v2024-10 by Frédéric Coste is a modified version of the Caprice emulator (by Ulrich Doewich) for Windows (32/64 bit) and also a 2022-06 for Windows XP.

New version of the ACE-DL emulator by Roudoudou yesterday (2024 Summer Fixes)


New version yesterday by Roudoudou of his ACE-DL Amstrad CPC emulator.

After downloading the emulator, you can also get a SymbOS disk image or OPL3 music to be used with the Willy OPL3 plugin.

CPCESP, an Amstrad CPC emulator for ilygo's TTGo VGA32 and Olimex's ESP32-SBC-FabGL boards


ESPectrum is a ZX Spectrum emulator for the boards Ilygo TTGo VGA32 and Olimex ESP32-SBC-FabGL. There is now since a few an Amstrad CPC emulator named CPCESP, with a 3D printed packaging by Jose Lopez (other photos). The first software version of CPCESP was released the 7th July 2024 on Github. You can find CPCESP on :

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