Archives for the month December 2019 of Genesis8 Amstrad Page

Play Amstrad CPC games online with BZH Games (records registered)


You can play Amstrad CPC games online on BZH Games (without sound though) thanks to the CPCBox emulator. If you are one of the best, your score will be registered.

CPCEC, an Amstrad CPC emulator for windows by CNGSoft, 13th release (bugfix)


CPCEC (windows) is a new Amstrad CPC emulator by CNGSOFT released in 2019, which replaces CPCE (dos/windows).

A bugfix of the 13th release is available since the 30th November.

Sapiens v3.0 for windows/MacOS by Didier and Olivier Guillion


It's a long time since I didnt come back to Myriad Online by the brothers Didier and Olivier Guillion. Their game Sapiens for windows (95 to 10) and MacOS (10.5 and more) has been updated last time in April 2017 with the version 3.0, which is also now a freeware (shareware before). Of course with the original music written by Gilles Soulet.

Check the older informations below about Sapiens, especially the video by Le Daron with Didier Guillion and Gilles Soulet, ainsi que les remix de la musique de Gilles.

Robin Hood was an Amstrad CPC user


I do think that Robin Hood was using already in his time an Amstrad CPC, and that I think he would be proud of these following arrows fired today (4 x 10 et 2 x 9), especially the arrow feathers :

Better but purely accidental (last 20th November) :

3 x 10 and 2 x 9 poor arrow feather, near poor arrow feather, bis

For this I had to wait 6 years... This result due to the many and good advices from the other people in my club, thanks to them !

Youtube video

A VGA adaptator for Amstrad CPC by Edu Arana, and more !


ATTENTION, you need a VGA monitor which supports 15 khz !

On a saturday morning when you start the day seing an Operation Wolf remake, you can feel that the day will be a good one.

And then comes a VGA adaptator for Amstrad CPC by Edu Arana and from the same person a card to let use Amiga joysticks and a TZXDuino included.

Will I found more goodies today (send me some sun rays, lacking in this respect) ?

a remake WIP of Operation Wolf by Adolfito for Android


Adolfito has already written several remake of Amstrad CPC games, this time it's all about of a WIP remake of Operation Wolf on Android. I am not really fond of playing on ANdroid (either phone or tablet), but this time it's really gorgeous and I will certainly try it when it's out.

There is another youtube video of the wip.

Youtube video

MIDI remix of 5 Amstrad CPC games's music on @vgmusic


Seen on VGMusic, there are MIDI remix of five Amstrad CPC games's music :

  • 3D StarFighter
  • AirWolf II
  • Chuckie Egg (less than 5 seconds of music !)
  • Deflektor
  • Monte Carlo Casino

Merry Christmas 2019


Merry Christmas 2019, happiness and health for all people you are caring for.

Below there is the Christmas tree done at my work place. I did buy an Amstrad PCW 9512, dont ask me why my colleagues thought it could be the Christmas crib at the foot of the tree...

Christmas crib

Retrogaming, between nostalgia and business on Amstrad.EU


I invite you to read the french article on Amstrad.EU which title is Retrogaming, between nostalgia and business.

See below the two youtube video mentionned in this article about the Amstrad CPC games featuring the Roland character :

Youtube video

Would you care for a drink with your Amstrad CPC 6128 ?


Started since 1971 computer science was being introducted in french schools (6 years to 18 years). In 1985 the plan Informatique pour tous was bringing Thomson MO5 and TO7/70 computers linked in a network controlled by a PC with two 5,25 inc disk drives (later with a hard disk). What most of people like me didnt know, there was a definitive plus for technology classes : Youpi is a robotic arm with 5 liberty degrees made by JD Productique. It is controlled through the parralel port with a basic program and assembler routines on a Thomson MO5. You will find below two french interesting links :

Youyoudid was able to get a Youpi which he wanted since his young age. He wrote about it on CPCRulez. In a frist video he is controlling the arm in basic, but the movement is slow so he wanted to accelarate it with a basic compiler :

But finally thanks to the Turbo-Pascal compiler (CP/M) he is able to give a new youth to the robotic arm to let it serve a drink from a plastic bottle.

Youtube video

The 15 Best Old and New Games for the Amstrad CPC featuring Amstrad YouTubers by Kim Justice


I dont know yet Kim Justice, but she did a video of her 15 best old new new games for Amstrad CPC featuring Amstrad youtubers including Top Hat Gaming Man, Novabug, DJ Slope, Yellow Belly and Xyphoe.

Youtube video

Happy new year 2020


The year 2019 is near the end, it gave a lot of good things for the Amstrad computers, not only for the CPC, one of the very last being the Toki beta by AmstradGGP for example.

So, let's wish at least as much good if not more for the hear 2020. And personnally I wish you and people you care for a good and happy new year.

CPCEC, an Amstrad CPC emulator for windows by CNGSoft, 14th release


CPCEC (windows) is a new Amstrad CPC emulator by CNGSOFT released in 2019, which replaces CPCE (dos/windows).

The 14th release is available since the 27th December.

Pixel Polizei by Markku Reunanen, a windows graphic utility


You are a graphist on PC but you want that your pixel art to be on one of the following platform quoted below. Pixel Polizei will check the conformity of the color limits and save the result in the native format :

  • Amstrad CPC
  • ColecoVision
  • Commodore 64
  • Commodore Plus/4
  • MSX
  • Oric
  • Panasonic JR-200
  • Sharp MZ-700
  • Sharp MZ-800
  • ZX Spectrum

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