Archives for the month November 2023 of Genesis8 Amstrad Page

Peral by TheQproyect, an Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


Peral by TheQproyect is an action Amstrad CPC game. It will be released for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest. There is no download yet but you should really go have a look at the Peral page project which is nice, enjoy the narrative, loading screen, video, game screens, documentation and the making off (in spanish but online translators are everywshere).

Video of Peral by Franbmk.

Youtube video

The Retromancer by Retromancer93, an action Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


The Retromancer by Retromancer93 is an action Amstrad CPC game. It is released for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest. You can download it on the web page of The Retromancer.

Video of The Retromancer by XeNoM0RPH.

Youtube video

The Last Brew by VEC, an action Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


The Last Brew by VEC is an action Amstrad CPC game. It is released for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest. You can download it on the web page of The Last Brew.

Video of The Last Brew by XeNoM0RPH.

Youtube video

Guard the Castle by Insane Games, a shoot them up Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


Guard the Castle by Insane Games is an horizontal shoot them up Amstrad CPC game. It is released for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest. You can download it on the web page of Guard the Castle.

Video of Guard the Castle by XeNoM0RPH.

Youtube video

Interview of Christian BALLANDRAS (Mandragore) by BDCIron on AMSnews


An interesting interview of Christian BALLANDRAS (co-writer on the RPG game Mandragore) done by BDCIRON is available on AMSnews.

Shadow Maze by Rayon Studio, a labyrinth and memory Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


Shadow Maze by Rayon Studio is a labyrinth and memory Amstrad CPC game written in basic, released for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest. You can download it on the web page of Shadow Maze (mp4 download at the moment).

Video of Shadow Maze by XeNoM0RPH.

Youtube video

Top Goal by Spaghetti Studios, a football Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


Top Goal by Spaghetti Studios is a football Amstrad CPC game (two players, 1 on 1) released for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest. You can download it on the web page of Top Goal.

Video of Top Goal by XeNoM0RPH.

Youtube video

Sweet and Dark by Honey Badger Studios, an arcade Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


Sweet and Dark by Honey Badger Studios is an arcade Amstrad CPC game (frogger like) released for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest. You can download it on the web page of Sweet and Dark.

Youtube video

WhatTheRock by Createvia, an arcade Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


WhatTheRock by Createvia is an arcade Amstrad CPC game released for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest. You can download it on the web page of WhatTheRock.

Youtube video

Mr. Og the Sampler by Kaiwa Games, an Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


Mr. Og the Sampler by Kaiwa Games is an action/puzzle Amstrad CPC game released for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest. Beware you can hold only one key, use one, take the other after.

You can download it on the web page of Mr. Og the Sampler.

Youtube video

Balkanoid by Cassette Pixel Crafters, an Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


Balkanoid by Cassette Pixel Crafters is an action Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest.

You can download Balkanoid on its page.

Video of Balkanoid by XeNoMoRPH.

Youtube video

Final War by Recreogames, an platform Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


Final War by Recreogames is a platform Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest.

You can download Final War on its page.

Video of Final War by XeNoMoRPH.

Youtube video

Dive Jely by ChonkyBird, an action Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


Dive Jely by ChonkyBird is an action Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest.

You can download Dive Jely on its page.

Video of Dive Jely by XeNoMoRPH.

Youtube video

Forms by John LOBO, a puzzle Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


Forms by John LOBO is a puzzle Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest.

You can download Forms on its page.

Video of Forms by XeNoMoRPH.

Youtube video

Fitzroy Feels the Heat by Awergh, an Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


Fitzroy Feels the Heat by Awergh is an action and reflexion Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest.

You can download Fitzroy Feels the Heat on its page.

Video of Fitzroy Feels the Heat by XeNoMoRPH.

Youtube video

Rail Runner by Amstrad Artisans, an action Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


Rail Runner by Amstrad Artisans is an action Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest. Slow at the start, but speed is going up as you go up levels too.

You can download Rail Runner on its page.

Video of Rail Runner by XeNoMoRPH.

Youtube video

Nuke Bug by Alakran Studio, an Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


Nuke Bug by Alakran Studio is an action Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest.

You can download Nuke Bug on its page.

Video of Nuke Bug by XeNoMoRPH.

Youtube video

Timmy's Limbo by Bitter Games, an action Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023


Timmy's Limbo by Bitter Games is an action Amstrad CPC gamme for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest.

You can download Timmy's Limbo on its page.

Video of Timmy's Limbo by XeNoMoRPH.

Youtube video

From 64 Kb to 1 Mb of RAM on an Amstrad CPC 464 by Noël Llopis


Noel Llopis presents in his new video how he goes from 64 Kb to 1 Mb of RAM on an Amstrad CPC 464.

The expansion card to be used should have been by Revaldino but some components being hard to get, it's finally the card by Rebobinando which has been used.

Youtube video

Caprice Forever v2023-11, an Amstrad CPC emulator by Frédéric Coste for Windows


Caprice Forever v2023-11 by Frédéric Coste is a modified version of the Caprice emulator (by Ulrich Doewich) for windows (32/64 bit). This version features :

  • Add SSA-1 Speech emulation
  • Add DK'Tronics Speech emulation
  • Improve Tape viewer including PPI audio direct navigation
  • Improve CRTC1 emulation (Thanks to Philippe 'Offset' Rimauro)
  • Fix minor bugs

CPC Scene Radio by Targhan, Arkos Tracker for Raspberry PI


Targhan has created CPC Scene Radio as Roland Radio has some problems since a few months.

Also, I just saw that there is now a version of Arkos Tracker v2.0.1 for Raspberry PI (also on linux, windows and mac).

Video by Retro Erik showing an ISA bus extension for the Schneider EuroPC (8088)


Schneider made the Amstrad CPC under licence in Germany. They also did create PC XT like the EuroPC (several models). Retro Erik is presenting an ISA bus extension which he saw in another Youtube video. At the end of the video he is announcing that he is working on an universal ISA bus extension with a friend of the Norway retro community.

Youtube video

Becoming the next Titan with Multipaint 2023.02 ?


To make so beautiful Amstrad CPC loading screens like Eric Cubizolle (Titan), it's easy, you just need to use the same painting program : Multipaint by Tero Heikkinen AKA Dr. Terrorz, and maybe a bit of talent and mostly a lot of work.

Titan is describing Multipaint as a mmix of OCP Art Studio and Deluxe Paint for windows which offers the possibility of using the resolutions and palettes of a whole bunch of old computers including the Amstrad CPC (mode 0 and 1, overscan possible in mode 0).

Two videos presenting Multipaint (beware they are both from four years ago, so not about the latest version and features) :

Youtube video

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